Sunday 11 September 2011

Addressing my dandruff issue

I have been feeling rather weird lately especially the itch of my head. Every now and then especially when I perspire, there is an irritating itch that has even disrupt my sleep. To my shock, I found even white flakes on my shoulder one of those morning and has been confirmed by my friends as dandruff. This drops like a nightmare to me as I have been treasuring my hair rather close to me all these years. Perhaps this dandruff is actually related to the itch I felt on my head lately.
I went to discuss this with some of my friends as well as the hairdresser of my favorite saloon. I was told that it may be caused by the shampoo that I’m using. The shampoo could be actually damaging my scalp, causing these dandruffs to develop. Hence I have decided to go and search out the cause of the issue and make an attempt to resolve it once and for all.
Certainly one of the first places I would search is the internet. I search the web and found this website discussing anti-dandruff shampoo. Rather informative site with information on the development of thedandruff, various shampoos, ingredient of shampoos, solutions on resolving dandruff issue and even home remedies. Checking it through; I have decided to try out a different shampoo, especially those with natural ingredient to determine if it is the cause of my dandruff issue.
I would recommend you to check out your shampoo early and not to wait till the dandruff issue occurs. Our scalp problem could also lead to hair loss which is highly undesirable. So do check out the site and work on the issues early.

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