Friday 26 August 2011

Can Full Lace Wig really make me looks great again?

I have discovered that I have been losing a fair bit of hair lately. I have also visited the Dermatologist to enquiry on the cause of it. It is now confirmed that I will be losing my hair due to aging and perhaps stress. My heart sank hearing that as my hair is very important to my self-image.
With this news in place, I have considered various options to address it. Possible options include going for hair treatment, engage a clinic to run hair implantation and to find a wig to cover the ugly head up. All these options have their pros and cons. Hair treatment may be good, but it is going to be very costly and require much commitment out of my busy life to attend to it. Hair implant will be more permanent, but it is also very expensive and requires some pain or discomfort for a period of time. Wig could be a good immediate option to go for, but I have concern if others can tell if it’s a wig on my head and if it is able to hold up in strong wind. These are really my concerns.
Searching around the internet, I have come to this website cover the topic of full lace wig. I found that the wigs are now made of real human hair and synthetic hair. The human hair lace wig is so natural that it is totally not easy to tell it apart. There is also a post in the site discussing on how this wig can make us looks beautiful. In addition, the synthetic wig is also now becoming more real and natural.
I believe I will have to give it a good thought and choose my options carefully. I will likely opt for the lace wig as a temporary solution while checking out hair treatment and implantation as long term plan. I hope that this will go well with me. Thanks

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