Monday 29 August 2011

Bodybuilding supplements for gym training?

Bodybuilding is a new venture that I’m intending to start soon. I have had been to gym for a season of my life, somehow stop in between due to career and family, and now decided to restart again. Partly because I have really put on so much weight over these few years after I have stopped my gym schedule and partly that I have aged and needs to train and keep fit.

However, stepping into the gym the other day and tried running, I felt a great loss of stamina over these years. I used to be able to clock as much as 5km and lift as much as 40kg dumbbell at one go, but I have to cut down all these records probably due to lack of training all these while. I guess I have been downgraded physically so that that it will need lots of effort to climb back to my previous stamina and achievement.  

I was thinking whether to go for some supplement to help me in my gym training. I have spoken to the coach and has decided to start with the whey protein first. Along the way, I will probably attempt creatine and a couple of other muscle building as well as slimming supplement. On top of that, I have decided to check out internet and see if there are other supplements or approach I could consider.

Found this website the other day on WeightTraining Supplements. There are useful posts on bodybuilding, supplement and even debunking of the various myth about the sport. I have come across this post on the secrets of weight training supplement, rather informative. I hope to continue to build up my skill and know the best as well as the fastest way to achieve my gym objective. Do check it out.

Friday 26 August 2011

Can Full Lace Wig really make me looks great again?

I have discovered that I have been losing a fair bit of hair lately. I have also visited the Dermatologist to enquiry on the cause of it. It is now confirmed that I will be losing my hair due to aging and perhaps stress. My heart sank hearing that as my hair is very important to my self-image.
With this news in place, I have considered various options to address it. Possible options include going for hair treatment, engage a clinic to run hair implantation and to find a wig to cover the ugly head up. All these options have their pros and cons. Hair treatment may be good, but it is going to be very costly and require much commitment out of my busy life to attend to it. Hair implant will be more permanent, but it is also very expensive and requires some pain or discomfort for a period of time. Wig could be a good immediate option to go for, but I have concern if others can tell if it’s a wig on my head and if it is able to hold up in strong wind. These are really my concerns.
Searching around the internet, I have come to this website cover the topic of full lace wig. I found that the wigs are now made of real human hair and synthetic hair. The human hair lace wig is so natural that it is totally not easy to tell it apart. There is also a post in the site discussing on how this wig can make us looks beautiful. In addition, the synthetic wig is also now becoming more real and natural.
I believe I will have to give it a good thought and choose my options carefully. I will likely opt for the lace wig as a temporary solution while checking out hair treatment and implantation as long term plan. I hope that this will go well with me. Thanks

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Using Videos to usher in joy and pleasure in life.

I have been shooting video for a few years. I have shot events, weddings, documentaries and even memory montages for some special individuals. Truly I love this hobby as it brings me great pleasure framing the video and being able to deliver the emotion, thoughts and even value to the viewer.
To me, to be well and strong is to be able to hold things of life together. Video is one way I believe could hold my life. Through these video, I am to hold these memories together and keep it for many years down the road. I desire to make every of these videos as perfect as possible so that others, my loved ones and friends can enjoy and keep it for a long time. Video, to me, is better than photos. Video captures not just the view, the moment, but also the sound, emotion as well as the feeling. This gives the wellness of the heart and mind, which is essential for a happy life.
This website covers the information essential to the buying of video camera. The site contains information on various cameras, surveillance cameras, video techniques, accessories and trends. There is a post on way to create precious moment using videocameras. Various techniques and information are covered and discussed.
Hence I am glad that I have picked up this useful technique and hobby. It brings me much joy and satisfaction especially watching the wonderful videos I have created. Do explore into it and let it brings you much joy in life.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Health, Strength and Wellness

Hi all

Vince here, thanks for visiting my health blog. I plan to share with you in this blog useful tips and information on gaining good health, beauty and certainly a well balanced life. I will look into various products, solution and techniques, targeting our physical, mental and perhaps some spiritual health, strength and beauty. Do check this blog out regularly.
